The Intellitronix GPS Speedometer Sending Unit offers high-accuracy readouts and can be wired directly into your existing speedometer with a simple 3 wire hookup! The Intellitronix GPS Speedometer Sending Unit easily connects to your existing speedometer, allowing for precise readings that you won’t get with any other speed sending unit. Must have a clear view of the sky to function properly! Intellitronix GPS Speedometer works with any industry standard (4,000; 8,000; or 16,000 pulse per mile) or programmable speedometer. It can be wired directly into your existing speedometer and needs no additional sensor from the transmission to operate. The unit comes with a GPS receiver, omni-directional antenna, and microprocessor that continuously converts GPS signals into a pulse stream that then replicate the output from you existing, mechanical speed sensor but with GPS accuracy. This combination of GPS technology and Intellitronix own innovative engineering and electrical design allows for high-accuracy readouts. You don’t have to worry about inaccuracies due to changes like different tire sizes or rear end gear ratios ever again!
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